Tuesday, November 30, 2010

There's a dog on my bed (i.e., couch)...!!

And she's sleeping! Do I wake her... or let her sleep? Maybe there's room on this couch for the both of us? Then again, she is a pretty big Golden Retriever... And she's snoring, not just taking a little nap. I'd feel too guilty waking her now. In fact, she's the only noise in the house right now, as everyone else was in bed by 10:45: mother, grandfather, 12-year-old boy, 16-year-old boy... I only hope my typing is not keeping them awake (it used to bother an old roommate; she seemed to have supersonic hearing). Maybe I, too, should try to go to sleep...? Though I have not done so this early in years, for I usually stay up writing at night. 

A little while ago, while I was writing, the 16-year-old was in my room (the living room) playing video games. When he went to sleep, he said, "Good-night" and I found myself saying, "Night. Have a good day at school tomorrow." Back in my pre-couch-surfing days, I don't think I have ever uttered that sentence. Nor can I imagine doing so to a child of my own anytime soon. What would I do -- take him or her couch-surfing with me? :) I have enough trouble explaining this experiment to my family as it is... Though the next time my mother reminds me that I should start thinking about having children, I should mention the couch-surfing-with-a-child thing. :) 

My boyfriend just called to say good-night. I answered, whispering, "I can't talk. The dog is sleeping." My poor boyfriend... 

Now, what to do about the dog...? "Let sleeping dogs lie"...?

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